SimSys Software

1.    Restrictions, License and Installation

o   Restrictions (pdf)

o   Open License (pdf)

o   Restricted License (pdf)

o   SimSys Packages (pdf)

o   SimSys Install and Setup Instructions (pdf)

o   SimSys Developer_Install and Setup Instructions (pdf)

2.    User Manuals

o   AFLR3 Unstructured Grid Generator

AFLR3 is an unstructured tetrahedral element mesh generation code. It uses the Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection (AFLR) procedure to generate a tetrahedral volume mesh from an existing surface triangulation. In boundary-layer (BL) generation mode it also uses the Advancing-Normal Boundary-Layer (ANBL) procedure to generate a tetrahedral, pentahedral, and/or hexahedral BL mesh adjacent to BL generating surfaces. Primary input is a surface triangulation. The input mesh file contains the coordinates and connectivity for a fully connected surface triangulation. It is available as a stand-alone executable or a suite of libraries for AFLR3 integration within other systems.

o   AFLR4 Unstructured Grid Generator

AFLR4 is a fully automatic unstructured 3D surface mesh generation code. It uses the Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection (AFLR) procedure to generate a 3D surface mesh on multiple surfaces, each with either a CAD geometry component definition, a discrete geometry component definition, or a composite definition. Distribution of the surface point spacing (length scale) is determined from an automated surface curvature driven process with proximity checking and localized spacing reduction. AFLR4 includes a full integration of functions for EGADS with Open CASCADE CAD. It is available as a stand-alone executable or a suite of libraries for AFLR4 integration within other systems.

o   AFLR43 Unstructured Grid Generator

AFLR43 is an unstructured 3D surface and volume mesh generation code. It combines AFLR4 and AFLR3 to create an integrated geometry definition to volume mesh capability. It is available as a stand-alone executable or a suite of libraries for integration within other systems.

o   AFLR2 Unstructured Grid Generator

AFLR2 is a stand-alone unstructured 2D planar tria-face/quad-face mesh generation code. It is based directly on a direct C code conversion of the original Fortran code. AFLR2 uses the Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection (AFLR) procedure coupled with an Advancing-Normal BL procedure to generate a 2D planar tria-face/quad-face mesh from an existing boundary edge grid. Primary input to the code is a boundary edge grid. The input boundary edge grid is defined by the coordinates and edge connectivity for a set of closed curves composed of discrete edges.

o   AFLR2C Unstructured Grid Generator

AFLR2C is an unstructured 2D planar tria-face/quad-face mesh generation code. It uses the Advancing-Front/Local-Reconnection (AFLR) procedure to generate a 2D planar tria-face/quad-face mesh from an existing boundary edge grid. Primary input to the code is a boundary edge grid. The input boundary edge grid is defined by the coordinates and edge connectivity for a set of closed curves composed of discrete edges. It is available as a stand-alone executable or a suite of libraries for AFLR2C integration within other systems.

o   BLOOM3 Unstructured BL Layer Mesh Generator

BLOOM3 is an unstructured boundary-layer (BL) generation code. For boundary-layer (BL) generation it uses an Advancing-Normal Boundary-Layer procedure to generate a tetrahedral, pentahedral, and/or hexahedral BL mesh adjacent to BL generating surfaces. For a complete volume mesh, it uses either an open or closed method. For a closed method the primary input is an unstructured tetrahedral element volume mesh and for inserting the BL region mesh, BLOOM3 can be coupled with an external procedure for displacing the volume mesh. In open mode the primary input is a surface triangulation. BLOOM3 has an internal BL interference checking process and is coupled with both AFLR3 and TetGen for complete volume mesh generation. It is available as a stand-alone executable or a suite of libraries for BLOOM3 integration within other systems.

o   UG_IO SimSys Files

UG_IO is a suite of libraries for 2D and 3D unstructured mesh, CAD, solution, and function file I/O. UGC is a stand-alone unstructured 2D and 3D mesh, solution, and function file conversion based on the UG_IO library suite. Executables for AFLR2C, AFLR3, AFLR4, and BLOOM3 mesh generation also use the UG_IO library suite for file I/O.

o   UVMAP UV Mapping Generator

UVMAP is a library that can be used to generate a U,V coordinate map for an unstructured tria-face surface mesh with bounding curves in X,Y,Z physical space. It uses a coupled bi-harmonic method with pseudo-orthogonal boundary-conditions to generate the U,V map. AFLR4 unstructured surface mesh generation uses the UVMAP library. A stand-alone testing executable for UVMAP is available.

o   Grid_Tools

Grid_Tools is a collection of tools for unstructured 3D surface and volume grids. The following links describe usage of each tool. Note that Grid_Tools is only partially supported, and updates are generally limited to OS updates, compiler changes, and major code bug fixes.

o   SolidMesh

SolidMesh is a stand-alone unstructured 3D CAD processing and unstructured mesh generation system. It uses an older version of the AFLR4 surface mesh generator. The GUI and visualization systems within SolidMesh are based on older system libraries that run only on older MacOSX and Linux based systems. It is no longer supported and may be replaced in the near future by another system. It is available only as a convenience for the few users that can still utilize it.

3.    Release Notes

o   AFLR2 (txt)

o   AFLR2c (txt)

o   AFLR3 (txt)

o   AFLR4 (txt)

o   AFLR43 (txt)

o   BLOOM3 (txt)

o   UG_IO (txt)

o   UVMAP (txt)

o   All SimSys Program and Library Release Notes

4.    Links

o   SimSys Software Forum