BLOOM3 Example Cases Tutorial

Data files for several BLOOM3 sample cases are provided. Package archives with all of the example cases are provided in bloom3-examples.tar.gz (tar-gzip archive for Linux/MacOSX) and (zip archive for Windows). Copy the package archive files and unpackage them in a location of your choosing to run the example cases. All cases have relatively moderate spacing and require minimal resources. The input surface mesh files provided for the sample cases are ASCII formatted SURF or MESH type files. In the following case examples the output mesh file is a binary MESHB type file. Alternative file types can be used.  By default the output volume mesh with be a binary format UGRID file type named case_name.b8.ugrid. It is recommended to use either a case_name.b8.ugrid or case_name.meshb output volume mesh file as the reduced memory mesh writer (mw_merged=1) only accepts UGRID, MESH, or MESHB types.

See the BLOOM3 documentation for information on available options and usage. Alternatively, you can view text-based documentation at the command line with the following command.

bloom3 -help

A number of systems can be used to visualize the resulting volume mesh. Vizir is one very good example that is freely available to the public (Linux, MacOSX and Windows) from Inria on their Adaptive Mesh Generation site and will open and display LibMesh files (mesh, meshb, sol, solb).

Use of another visualization systems may require conversion of the output mesh file to one of another type (Ensight, FieldView, and others are available).

The UG_IO file converter UGC can be used to convert the file using the following command.

ugc case_name.meshb case_name.output_type

See the
UGC documentation for a description of usage and options. Alternatively, you can view text-based documentation at the command line with the following command.

ugc -help

Note that BLOOM3 can output the mesh file in a number of file types. However, subsequent conversion to another file type may not be possible if the output mesh is not a UGRID, MESH, or MESHB file type. The documentation describes whether or not a file type can be used as an input mesh for conversion.

Multiple options are required to generate a pseudo-structured anisotropic BL type mesh adjacent to selected boundaries. Several options are available to control the BL mesh generation and a thorough review of the documentation is recommended. BL meshes with very different characteristics can be generated with the appropriate options. A unique set of characteristics that is suitable for particular applications and solvers can be obtained. It is recommended to develop the appropriate set of options that meets the needs of your cases with a relatively simple configuration.

Primary BLOOM3 options are listed below.





-i input_file

input file


-o output_file

output file



generate a log file



use AFLR3 to generate the interior mesh



use TetGen to generate the interior mesh



generate a BL and create prism-elements (default is tet-elements only)


-blds spacing

set the initial BL normal spacing (default is 0)


should be physically based, e.g. chord length





-Re_l Reynolds_Number

Reynolds Number based on reference length for setting initial BL normal spacing (default is 0)


-ref_len reference_length

reference length for setting initial BL normal spacing (default is 0)


-y+ spacing_y+

turbulent BL initial normal spacing y+ value (default is 1)


-blrm max_rate

maximum BL normal spacing growth rate (default is 1.5)


-nbldiff number_of_levels

maximum difference in BL levels (default 0 – means no maximum)


-mblend value

BL termination mode flag (default is 1)

if mblend=0 then use local termination only

if mblend=1 then use global termination


-bl_ids list_of_IDs

list of IDs for BL generating solid surface grid BCs


-bl_int_ids list_of_IDs

list of IDs for BL region intersecting surface grid BCs


-ff_ids list_of_IDs

list of IDs for farfield surface grid BCs


-std_ids list_of_IDs

list of IDs for solid surface grid BCs


-trnsp_bl_ids list_of_IDs

list of IDs for BL generating transparent surface grid BCs


-trnsp_ids list_of_IDs

list of IDs for transparent surface grid BCs


-trnsp_intl_bl_ids list_of_IDs

list of IDs for BL generating internal transparent surface grid BCs


-trnsp_intl_ids list_of_IDs

list of IDs for internal transparent surface grid BCs


-psids ID_pair_list

surface ID pairs for periodic surfaces

note that these surface IDs must also be set to BL intersecting surface grid BCs (-bl_int_ids)


-psns node_pair_list

node pairs for periodic surfaces


Note that the BL initial normal spacing must be set by either -blds or -Re_l, -ref_len, and -y+. See the BLOOM3 documentation for information on all available options. Alternative names, if any, for all options are included in that documentation. You can also view a text-based version of that documentation at the command line with the following command.

bloom3 -help or aflr4 -help

An overview of BLOOM3 example cases is provided in the following along with run parameters for BL type mesh generation. Surface meshes for the example cases provided were generated using AFLR4 and already have grid boundary condition information set. If the grid boundary condition is not set within the input surface mesh file, then you must use the parameter options available for BLOOM3 to set appropriate values.

All of the cases shown here are run in open mode using the optional bloom3_open library for BL termination and optional AFLR3 library to generate the interior tet-element mesh. BLOOM3 can be built to operate in either open or closed modes with appropriate external libraries. In open mode alternative tet-meshing codes can be used, such as GHS3D or TetGen. The BLOOM3 executable provided operates only in open mode as no external mesh movement code is supplied. A separate code Wolf-Bloom has been created at Inria that uses the Wolf moving mesh algorithm.

Cube. A simple cube configuration with two symmetry planes on opposite ends.

bloom3 -i -o cube_new.meshb -blc -blds 0.001

-bl_ids 1,2,3,4 -bl_int_ids 5,6 -log

A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated

A second simple cube configuration with four symmetry planes.

bloom3 -i -o cube_new2.meshb -blc -blds 0.001 \

-bl_ids 1,2 -bl_int_ids 3,4,5,6 -log

A picture containing tiled, man, large, purple

Description automatically generated


Dome. A simple dome configuration with a curved surface that intersects the BL region.

bloom3 -i -o dome_new.meshb -blc -blds 0.0001 -blrm 1.3 \

-bl_ids 1, -bl_int_ids 2, -log

A picture containing building, dome, green

Description automatically generated


Glider. A glider configuration with a simple wing body.

bloom3 -i -o glider_new2.meshb -blc -ref_len 3 -Re_l 1e6 \

-blrm 1.3 -bl_ids 7-16 -ff_ids 1-6 -log

A picture containing building, sitting, tiled, table

Description automatically generatedA close up of a computer keyboard

Description automatically generated


Launch Vehicle. A launch vehicle with two strap-on boosters. The AFLR4 surface mesh is refined in the areas where the strap-on boosters are adjacent to the main booster.

bloom3 -i -o lv2b_new.meshb -blc -ref_len 20 -Re_l 125e6 \

-bl_ids 22-44,48-67,71,72,73 -bl_int_ids 45,46,47,68,69,70 -ff_ids 16-21 \


A picture containing implement, stationary, indoor, toy

Description automatically generatedA picture containing implement

Description automatically generated 

A second launch vehicle with two strap-on boosters and a symmetry plane.

bloom3 -i -o lv2b_sym_new.meshb -blc -ref_len 20 \

-Re_l 125e6 -bl_ids 4-26 -bl_int_ids 74,27,28,29 -ff_ids 1,2,3 -log

A picture containing indoor, building, sitting, red

Description automatically generated


Nacelle/Engine. A nacelle/engine configuration. The AFLR4 mesh is refined in the regions where components are in close proximity.

bloom3 -i -o nacelle_engine_new.meshb -blc \

-ref_len 100 -Re_l 110e6 -blrm 1.3 -nbldiff 2 -mblend 0 \

-bl_ids 1-52 -ff_ids 53-56 -log

A picture containing indoor, table, sitting, paper

Description automatically generated

A second nacelle/engine configuration with a symmetry plane.

bloom3 -i -o nacelle_engine_sym_new.meshb -blc \

-ref_len 20 -Re_l 125e6 \

-bl_ids 4-26 -bl_int_ids 74,27,28,29 -ff_ids 1,2,3 -log

A picture containing table, indoor, sitting, black

Description automatically generated


Rocket. A simple rocket configuration with an extended nozzle.

bloom3 -i -o rocket_new.meshb -blc -ref_len 1.75 -Re_l 125e6 \

-bl_ids 23-50 -bl_int_ids 51,52 -ff_ids 17-22 -log

A picture containing purple

Description automatically generatedA picture containing indoor, cake, small, keyboard

Description automatically generated


V-Sphere. A sphere with a v-cut. The AFLR4 surface mesh is refined in the v-cut region where surfaces are in close proximity.

bloom3 -i -o vsphere_new.meshb -blc  -ref_len 1 -Re_l 1e6 \

-blrm 1.3 -bl_ids 1-4 -ff_ids 5-10 -log

A picture containing indoor, piece, green, sitting

Description automatically generated

Periodic Duct. A periodic duct with an inlet (rectangular and forward facing in the image below) and two outlets (rectangular, slightly concave on the left and slightly convex on the right in the image below). The interior of the duct has a vertical pillar very close to the left outlet. The BL region of the BLOOM3 volume mesh near the pillar interferes with nearby BL regions as seen on the upper and lower BL regions of the left outlet. This interference is duplicated on the right outlet since it is periodic with the left outlet.

bloom3 -i -o periodic_duct.meshb -blc -blds 0.00002 \

-blrm 1.3 -bl_ids 1,2,4,10,11,12 -bl_int_ids 3,5,6 \

-psids 6,5 -psns 11,16 -log

A picture containing text, stationary, binding

Description automatically generated


Shape, background pattern

Description automatically generatedBackground pattern

Description automatically generated




EM. An electronic multi-material/component device for EM analysis requires a mesh inside each material/component region sphere with a v-cut. Material/component surface interfaces require a transparent grid BC. The output BLOOM3 volume mesh includes all of the embedded transparent interfaces and each region is given a unique ID number 1,2,3 …11 (each region is shown with a different color in the tetrahedral field cut).

bloom3 -i -o em2.meshb -nbl 0 -std_ids 7, -trnsp_ids 2,8,14,3,4,5,6,9 -log


Description automatically generated with medium confidence


Missile. A generic missile with plume. This configuration uses a transparent BL generating grid BC to model the plume interface. The input mesh includes an internal transparent grid BC control surface around the missile and plume to control near-field spacing. The plume interface is used only for BL generation and neither it nor the control surface is included in the output BLOOM3 volume mesh. However, the output volume ID does reflect the regions inside and outside of the control surface.

bloom3 -i -o missile2.meshb -blc2 -blds 0.0001 \

-bl_ids 4,5 -ff_ids 6, -bl_int_ids 1, -trnsp_intl_bl_ids 3, -trnsp_intl_ids 2, \


A picture containing building, dome

Description automatically generatedA picture containing surface chart

Description automatically generatedA picture containing dome, building

Description automatically generated

A close - up of a leaf

Description automatically generated with low confidence


Two-Blade-Wake. This configuration includes a pair of airfoils with attached wake surfaces and a symmetry plane. The two wake surfaces merge into one wake surface and all are modeled with a grid BC of a BL generating internal transparent surface. For illustration, the volume ID is generated to identify each BL generation layer. Volume IDs for BL regions are given a negative number.

bloom3 -i -o two_blade_wake_sym.meshb -blc2 \

-blrm 1.4 -blds 0.0001 -bl_ids 4,5 -ff_ids 36,37,38,39,40,42,43 \

-bl_int_ids 33,34,35 -trnsp_intl_bl_ids 1,2,3 -vid2 -log

A picture containing text, stationary, envelope

Description automatically generated